Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Trip to Gundelpet...

Date: 3rd September 2008
Occasion: Ganpati Festival
Team: Abhijeet, Ajith, Reddy and Madhu
We had planned to visit gundelpet for the Ganesh festival to my friend’s place which is about 100 kms from Mysore.
Being from Mumbai (Maharashtra) I celebrate the festival with full enthusiasm. This year could not make to go home so I planned to visit my friend Ajit’s uncle’s place so that at least I get Darshan of Ganapati. The trip was an un-planned trip and we thought to go leave for his place by bus just one day prior to Festival. But at the last moment is changed as Madhu (Ajit’s Cousin) also agreed to join us and we started on the day of festival by his car.
So at last we left Mysore for Gundelpet at about 7:30AM of the day of festival..
The journey was too exciting as we had some good old numbers that we got to hear along the way. Madhu was a good fan of R d Burman, like me, he had a good collection of old classics of Kishore and R डी combination.
We eventually reached at Ajit’s place at 9:30AM and after refreshment we started to decorate the place where we have to keep Ganesh idol.
Once the decoration and Pooja was done we started to go around the city of gundelpet it a nice place quite peaceful and almost no pollution. After a small round up of the city we played cricket, mean while the lunch was ready.
By now I was tired and hungry too, so had tummy full food as the food was nice too. After wards we had a nap for some time to get refresh.
Then we planned to visit Chegrribetta @5PM, a place near to Gundulpet. This place was really beautiful, surrounded with mountains and good terrain, a kind of perfect location of a romantic movie from Yash Chopra. We spent some 2 hours there. By now it started getting dark and we headed towards home. Supper was ready by that time.
Now it was the big challenge as we had to travel by bus as Madhu had planned to stay for 2 days more in gundulpet. So I, Reddy and Ajith had no option other than to look for a bus to reach Mysore as we had office the next day. Being a big festival frequency was very less and after waiting for just an hour we got a bus. It was full and anyhow we managed to get in to the bus. In the journey of close to 2 hours we did not get even a single place to sit. From bus stand we took an auto and reached out hostel. It was quite late by that time and we were too tired. We fall flat on the bed and did not know when we got the sleep.
This was trip was short but was full of fun, adventure, food and much more and after all too tiring. Looking forward for some more such trips.

---Abhijeet Naik

Friday, September 18, 2009

हौसला रखते है हम ....

पत्थरों को तोड़ कर रास्ता बनाना आसान नही होता

आसान रास्तों पर चल कर कभी नाम नही होता

माना नदी का रुख नही मोड़ सकते है हम

उस नदी पर बाँध बना सकते है हम

क्या जो फूल नही राहों में हमारी

कांटे से काँटा निकालने का हुनर जानते है हम

क्या जो राहे मंजिल में गिर गये हम

उठ कर फ़िर बढ़ने का दम रखते है हम

क्यों सोचते है वो की हम से न होगा ये

चुनौतियों को हकीकत में बदलने का हौसला रखते है हम ....

अब हमारी बारी है ...

सुना एक मुहावरा कई बार

खाली दिमाग शैतान का वास

जब भी सुनते बडे खुश होते

लगता हमको देख बना

यों तो सूरत सीरत भोली है अपनी

दिमाग मगर जरा गड़बड़ है अपना

बे-लगाम घोडे सा ये भागता

कहाँ कब कैसे , करे कोई खुराफात

ये तो बस ये ही जानता

गये दिन की ही बात है

हम यारो के अपने साथ थे

गौर करने की बात है

दिमाग से वो भी तंग हाथ थे

ये तो सोने पे सुहागे वाली बात थी

पूरी बारात शैतानो की साथ थी

बहुत हुआ सब पुराना

चलो आज करे नया कारनामा

ख्यालों के फ़िर सैलाब आने लगे

ये करे या वो करे , दिमाग सब लडाने लगे

शैतानो को ख्याल कब अच्छे आने थे

ज़ोर पर ज़ोर लगते गये और

सारे प्रस्ताव ओंधे गिरते गये

एक विचार तव अंधरे में जुगनू सा चमका

क्यों न सब ज्ञान और हुनर अपना मिलाये

और मंच ऐसा बनाये , जो सबके काम आए

कमर कस कर ली हमने तैयारी है

देखना दुनिया वालो , अब हमारी बारी है ...